"Madrid kills me" is the basic translation for the title of today's blog, and I find it quite relevant. After spending a week in that picturesque, poetic city I really get the gist of that expression. I was assaulted by beauty on a daily basis on every side. Look up and see the blue sky and clouds between the brightly colored facades and balconies with geraniums. Have a delicious cafe con leche in a bustling cafeteria/bar decorated with moorish tilework. Walk down the Calle de Preciados and pop in to a tiny shoe store stocked with stuff I could only find online.
Yipe, time for lunch(2pm)....more later!
sounds like a goooood place to be!
aahh, i can just picture you among the spanish shoes! one more day before you can picture me among the italian cobble stone streets. wish those two places were closer...
Glad to hear you've "landed" as they say. You seem to be off and running. We just got back from taking Lisa & Matt to LAX.. They were more than ready to go partake of a little rest & relaxation after a particularly hectic period in their lives. They decided to officially "unplug" and left their computers and blackberries with us. Since they are normally almost physically attached to their sides..think they needed a break from that too. They won't be completely out of touch but plan to rely on internet cafes..so can pick and choose how much time they want to "be connected". Think of you often and will follow your adventures on your blog..Have a ball in Spain! ~ Jean
welcome to the world that is NOT america :). nice huh!? the bestest would be adding great friends to the mix...well, old friends, since you're already making some great ones that you'll remember along time down the road. thinking of and miss you karen!! love you! stacy
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